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2005-07-28 - 2:05 p.m.

So my daughters are going to elementary school and my son is joining them this year as well as. I will have a Kindergartener, second grader and fourth grader. But the school year will not be even close to hectic as the isolated incidents each morning�and during the whole school clothes-shopping ordeal. I told them I want to go alone to the store, preferably Target or Wal-Mart to get them their shizzit. Jimmy, my son, is pretty much set due to hand me downs from the Baptist Cousin Trio. But the girls�well, they are sick and tired of wearing old, fat clothes.

Fat clothes, you say? What are they, you ask? Fat clothes are what happens to my daughters when the clothes aren�t tight enough against their flat little rib cages or when the bottom of the shorts isn�t properly uncovering the bottom quarter moon of their non-existent ass cheeks. And no, I don't condone this.

And I too have deliberated why they want tight clothes at ages 7 and 9, and even earlier than that too. My best friend and I made a joke one night when Chloe was about 2 and a half because she wanted mini skirts. Well, toddler skirts are all mini�but I stuck with dressing my young girls in shorts. Cuz you don�t cross your legs at the toddler stage and I didn�t think their underwear should be showing. So, she used to take a pair of shorts and slide both of her legs into one leg hole and then leave the open leg hole flapping in the back making the front pulled tight against her little thighs. This was �cool� to them and they both did it�but Chloe more so. So, she acted like she was a secretary during imaginary play one evening and my best friend was over for company�and we started laughing that she looked so slutty and so we called my toddler daughter �the office file slut� because every office has one. And sometimes it�s me! Just kidding. Oh, and no, we didn�t call her that to her face.

So, I told them last night at my mother�s house that I�m not taking them with me to go shopping and they protested saying because I buy fat clothes�i.e., not tight, baggy, etc. So, my mom is also aware of this phenomenon that is their perception and their desire to be skanky looking. So today we are talking more in depth about how she wants to assist with the buying of school clothes due to lack of funds on my part. And today she says to me: �They�re the sleazy twins.� Kmmmmmmmmmmm. That�s so funny to me. They aren�t twins and no, I don�t tell them they are sleazy. But it�s so funny that my mother says that. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh. So funny. Who�s a sinner now? People who aim to look sleazy are always bigger sinners than the rest of us. Kmmmm.

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