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2005-07-24 - 5:25 p.m.

So, we go to church today...the first time in a long time...well, only a few months. And the people there said they really missed me so I felt better about coming back. But when I get in a depression rut, I don't want to do anything that will help me really. I just like to avoid people. Actually, I've gotten a lot better. But dealing with my mom and her disease...I just kinda shut down a little to outside help. But now I need it. I overheard someone say that the church assisted someone with back to school supplies...and I was like, GULP, I need that type of help.

Then, my children wanted to stay for the Sunday school that the children usually have so I went and found the only bible study thing for adults...and it happens to be in the theme of relationships...PUKE. But hey, why not. So, I watched the video and talked a little about what they had said...which was something about respecting people's walls...among other advice. And I thought...well, damn...NOBODY male has respected my walls. But then they started talking about not I didn't say anything about it. Kmmmmm. Sighhhh. I borrowed some of the previous weeks DVDs in the series to watch...So we will see how that goes. More later.

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