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2005-04-13 - 1:54 p.m.


Disney World was planned for this weekend. I don't particularly want to go. BECAUSE:

One of my best friends died. See, I have a BEST FRIEND, Shannon, and I have two other best good friends, Susan and Liz. Liz passed away yesterday on the 12th, Goddess rest her soul. She was so cool and wonderful and funny and beautiful and it's hard to believe she's gone. She was only 31.

So, if her funeral is this weekend, I don't want to fuck around w/ Disney and miss it.

ALSO: I found out yesterday, before I found out that Liz passed away, that my eldest daughter has attention disorders w/ hyperactivity AND inattention. She is an outright space cadet. She can't visualize books and passages while she's reading them...hence the reason she doesn't enjoy reading. Which is BEYOND ME. Cuz reading is what I live for. Seriously. I visualize everything. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh. But more on that later.

So, I tell my mother-in-law type person that I don't want to go to Disney if the funeral is this weekend cuz I don't want to miss it. She understands and we can go two weeks from now. I tell her son (my stupid loser boyfriend) and he flips out. I guess cuz his birthday is Sunday. But, DISNEY WAS MY IDEA. It really had nothing to do w/ his birthday. It was for the kids. And that weekend seemed like a good time cuz I figured I would have annual leave time by that time. (Cuz I just got off of probation.) So, he said that he would go without us. Dumbass. He's not going without us.

Meanwhile, my best friend is trying to make arrangements to come down from Ohio and be with the other part of our best friend group and of course, during the funeral and all. She would stay with me while she was down here. But Jimbo doesn't know that part yet. Haha.

So, when I called him to tell him I wanted to put it off if the funeral was this weekend, he whined and cried. Then, we argued a little bit. Then, I hung up on him a couple times in a row. Keep in mind, he is playing hooky from work, and because he's lazy and unreliable, he also kept our son home from school to play hooky cuz he couldn't just take him to school like I asked, in order to save me time and make the girls not too late to school. LOSER. So, he gets mad at me again and calls me back and says: "DON'T CALL BACK HERE EVER AGAIN." Kmmmmm.


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