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2004-10-09 - 5:30 p.m.

I finally got THE job I wanted. I�m so happy. I get paid for holidays off, starting immediately. I make over $11 an hour (which is over a dollar more than I made at my last job at the law firm for over a year�without a raise). My health benefits start on Dec. 1st. I get to park in a covered parking garage and it�s free. My very own printer is right on my desk. There is a water cooler three feet away from me. I�m soo soooo happy. Whee.

Well, I went grocery shopping today. My two daughters are over Grandma�s. So, it�s just Jimmy and me. I think even though I have my awesome new job, I still might get to keep my food stamps. M�bien. If I can�t, oh well. Health, vision, and dental are all free. I can have my children added for just $70 a month. Wheeeeee.

So, what else was I going to say? Oh, I started another business too. It�s through BeautiControl. They have great products. They do spa parties. I have my own website. Buy some products! They will not disappoint you. Alright, I�m going to go now. Byeeee.

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