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2004-07-11 - 12:19 a.m.

Well, I took Jimbo to a meeting tonight. It was a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. And he�s been clean all night so far. Not even any beer today. I�m very impressed but I�m not going to hold my breath. And I�m not going to give him too many Brownie points. Cuz I mean, after all�you know.

I�m sitting here listening to Janis Joplin cuz I haven�t listened to my music in a long time. I listen to radio stations in the car, but it�s totally not the same.

I cleaned up a little bit. But shit is still in boxes and I guess will stay in boxes cuz I�m not moving anytime soon. I don�t think. But I am moving, so that�s why it�s staying in boxes. Not that my world revolves around Jimbo, but it�s good that he�s going to meetings but if he ever goes back to fucking up, etc., then I�m renewing the lease once again in December. I think it�s December. I can�t really remember. It was supposed to be 7 months but we aren�t going to try to remember which month the 7 months starts on, now are we? We just aren�t going to do that to Heather�s little stressed out brain. I didn�t think so.

Well, I haven�t announce my big debut in birth control. Yes, here at WestChase, we have a brand new form of birth control. I�m a little nervous, cuz I never had that conversation where the midwife says: �Now, don�t rely on this yet for a full month, m�kay? Use condoms still until it�s kicked in to your system�� Yes, we did not have that conversation. And so I haven�t had sex with condoms either and so god forbid I have issues in that department. Please Goddess, don�t let me get pregnant. Anyway, it�s a Nuvo Ring. It is very similar (yet smaller and harder) to a jelly bangle bracelet. Yep. And it gets shoved up your vaginal canal and sits there for a recommended 4 weeks. M�kay. And I forgot all about it after the first five days or so, and stopped shoving my fingers up there to �check on� it. Until, today, and I shoved my fingers up there to check on things yet forgot quite why I was shoving my fingers up there and I felt something very abnormal (the ring) and was like �GASPO!� And then I realized that it was the ring. And everything was fine again.

I feel so much better that Jimbo got his �key chain� tonight. NA has key chains instead of chips. I seriously don�t sit around staring and panicking. I�m a little pissed off that he�s hanging out with his friend, Mike, and not me�but Mike�s mother is dying and she just had surgery and part of an enterectomy, I guess you�d call it�removal of the intestines. Ten feet worth. And they found gangrene in her stomach. I did not know that was possible, but he did go inside of the hospital during SICU visiting hours, so I guess it�s a legitimate story. What? I�m not being a bitch. You don�t know Jimbo. He would lie about anything. But I guess Mike is a crybaby now and so Jimbo feels he has to hold his hand and sit there. But at least he went to a meeting tonight.

Sing it, Janis.

I can�t wait to give my nephew his Nirvana CD. I�m so slow about it. His birthday was in May. I still have to buy him a shirt. I also can�t believe how I forgot about money that I had in my dresser drawer. Plus, I got two child support checks for $35 from Joel this week. Another fucking shocker. I can finally afford Evan�s Nirvana shirt. Yay. And laundry detergent for myself. And fabric softener. I know, right? It�s so gross that my towels are so hard and rigid when they come out of the dryer now. I�ve been using dishwashing liquid for the washing machine, which I�m nearly out of now for the dishes, even though I put them in the dishwasher to run also, after scrubbing them almost clean. (OCD!! OCD!!) So, yeah. Now I can afford stuff. And since July 5th the office was closed and all and hedder�s getting a seriously shitty paycheck and still owes a $445 payday loan on payday, having some of that extra money will make me feel better when I have to forfeit the $445. M�bien. And maybe Jimbo will have some of his own shit together and be able to give me a little bit of money. Fucker. Anyway.

Sing it, Janis!

Bye for now.

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