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2004-05-28 - 3:18 p.m.

Oh my god. I�m so bored. Still at work. It�s not a pleasant sight to see me being bored at work. My main lawyer I type for is not here. I don�t think hardly anyone is here. It�s Memorial Day weekend for Christ�s sake. If you�re rich and you own a boat, you shouldn�t be at work today. It�s going to be a slow Friday. It wouldn�t be so bad if I wasn�t paranoid about reading, etc. I should go get the homework out of my car. I could do that for the next five or so hours.

My sulfur butt gas is back. I can feel it gurgling, but since I�m at work and have couth, then I hold everything in. I don�t pass gas anywhere but in the privacy of my car and home. And sometimes walking across the parking lot if I think no one can hear me. Well, plus, there�s outside in the park or something. Really, I�ll do it almost anywhere if I think I�m alone or that no one can hear me. If it�s silent and I�m in a store or something, I just do it and walk quickly to the other side or another aisle, cuz most times I can tell they are going to be silent or loud.

Other than that...what else do I have to write about? I need to clean my apartment soooooo bad. It�s so fucking nasty-messy. It is disgraceful and shameful and embarrassing. There are so many people that I would NOT let in while it�s looking like that. I don�t know where to begin anymore. I need to clean the carpets. I should look into renting one of those carpet shampooers. I wonder how difficult that would be. I�d have to lug it up the stairs, first off. Then, I�d have to make sure all the floors were clutter free. NOT an easy task.

I haven�t worked out in two weeks, so tonight I�m going to work out and I�m going to shoot for tomorrow also. I really need to keep it up. I was looking damn good. But, then I got these cookies in the last few weeks. I got them at Albertson�s. They are chocolate peanut butter no-bake cookies, Lofthouse brand. They are so fucking good. My mom used to make them when I was little, but I don�t think she has the recipe anymore. They are 190 calories per cookie I do believe. And I eat like two or three at a time. And I do that about one to three times per day. It�s kinda sad. Right now I have a whole new package out sitting in my car cuz they taste good warm. I�m sick, I know. So, yeah, I need to fucking work out again.

Oh, man, my homework and bookbag are at home. I forgot I took them out of the car. Ho hum. I guess I should just read. I hate not having at least SOME work to do. This is ridiculous. There is something that I could start getting trained in which is a solution to us not having hardly any work sometimes, but I�m not feeling up to training in anything new. Not when Ruth Ann isn�t here today. She has to learn along with me. So, it only makes sense to put it off. Kmmmm. SLACKER! Plus, it�s so nice and quiet, cuz people are relaxed cuz first of all, it�s Friday and Monday we�re closed for the holiday and la-ti-da, you know how it is. So, no one seems stressed. Or maybe, I�M the one who�s relaxed and people are just who they normally are and I just think they are stressed because I�m usually stressed at times. Yeah. It�s all about me, haha.

Well, this weekend I think I�m hanging out with my friend that I used to live by and go to high school with. We go way back. But I�m a spineless moron cuz I lied and I feel spineless so much so that I can�t tell Jimbo who he really is or that I ACTUALLY was hanging out with him and his circle of friends (boys and girls) on New Year�s Eve (even though I never did anything with him at all), instead of with my one female friend that is usually my old standby. I was INVITED to hang out with my one-female-friend but opted to hang out instead with the Tampa-old-friend-we-go-way-back guy. I�m a twerp. I don�t want to tell Jimbo I lied cuz it will fumble things. Cuz I wouldn�t want him lying to me. TRAITOR!!!! PLUS, I can�t tell everyone else involved to lie for me cuz then it will be like a Seinfeld episode. If they mention New Year�s it will just change the tone of things. But it�s such an opportune moment to have fun since no one works on Monday. I mean, we would go over there and the girl�s mother is going to be there and they will watch my kids while all of us go out. I don�t know. We will see. I might be able to just smooth things through. I think I could talk to Aaron and Nikki and have them just smooth things out so no one gets offended or anything. I hate when I lie. It�s bad bad bad. And useless.

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