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2004-05-28 - 1:09 a.m.

Well, I went to school tonight. It�s the place to learn. However, if you are preoccupied with other people, you cannot learn there. Like, back in high school, many people were preoccupied with other people�like other cliques and little blossoming boy/girl relationships, etc. Preoccupation. You should avoid it sometime. Okay�here�s what happened. I went to class tonight, which happens to not be high school, although, tonight, it WAS VERY MUCH like high school. So, I went in the bathroom first real quickly and had to wash the banana off my hand then made my way toward the classroom. The person who is in charge of the program stopped me before going in and took me in a side room. She started the WHOLE conversation wrong. I mean, she said something that made me think, �okay, why the fuck did she say that???� Cuz you know how people say underlying things and they are meant toward another topic�yeah, anyway.

Her first sentence: �When you asked for help with your rent, how would you have felt if I had asked you what happened to make you fall behind on your rent?� I said: �Um, you DID ask me that. Um, what is this about?� I still don�t know why she used that as the very first sentence�to break me maybe? Cuz the rest of what followed was this: I intimidate people in the class. I have been heard laughing at people�s questions, SO MUCH SO that they are now afraid to ask any questions. I have said �DUH� to people�s questions.

Let me explain myself for a minute. I have said �DUH� about my OWN mistakes. Tammy, the girl I sit with, and I, we tend talk constantly and tell each other jokes. Like, I couldn�t tell Patricia (the one in charge) that all night Tuesday, we were saying vocabulary words to the tune of that song �Candy Girl.� Cuz you can�t tell people in charge that type of stuff. I don�t make fun of anyfuckingbody except myself or Tammy. And I only make fun of Tammy cuz she�s making fun of me.

Back to Patricia�s stuff: �People see you rolling your eyes at their questions.� Okay�this is what I came back with, which is all truth, of course. �Well, Tammy and I finish early when we do our work, we are making A�s and so we chat a little bit and make each other laugh. We aren�t laughing at anyone in particular. We laugh at each other. If I�ve ever said �DUH� it was to my own mistakes, or Tammy�s.� (Apparently, Tammy is officially my partner in crime now.) �I make it a huge point to do my best and I get straight 100%�s on every single test and I won�t settle for less. I�m here to learn. Did those same girls mention how we sit and do our work all night while they talk about every stupid gossipy ghetto story they can come up with?� --Okay, I didn�t say THAT last sentence. I made it a point to not say things like �ghetto.� But they do. Those girls talk all night while we are doing all of our frigging homework and we already did the next three chapters worth of take-home tests. Tammy and I did. Not anyone else. Everyone else complains that they never can finish their work. But you better believe that Tammy and I always have all of our work finished. And when we are sitting there going over our homework, everyone gets their fair share of being called upon and we always have the answers and several other people (not Tammy and I) will get called on and more often than not, �didn�t get that one.� Well, motherfuckers, I have three kids�the most in the class. Everyone else has one or two or none. Patricia said something about them having hard lives and coming from troubled lifestyles. HA! I work every weekday, I am technically a single mother. I drop my kids off at school. I drive a beat up car with no fucking air conditioner in it. I�m behind on my bills, I don�t have any boyfriend or husband living large with me. I�ve been used and abused. And I finish all of my fucking homework IN CLASS. I have never gotten one single thing wrong on the tests YET. I know how to pronounce things and if I don�t, I find out. Cuz I�m taking this Government Cheese class for a fucking reason. To get out of the ghetto and get a life. I would die if I only half-learned this material and went into a doctor�s office and got a job and made myself look like a fool in front of the doctor cuz I only did half my homework when I was going to school. NO. SORRY. I DON�T ALLOW MYSELF TO SETTLE FOR LESS. I stay on top of my shit. Yet, I�M the one that is intimidating the class.

As my mother would say: �They�re just jealous.� Tammy had the talking-to also, separately from me of course. Like we were accomplices to a crime and they had to find out the real perpetrator. It�s funny cuz we said the same things to her in a different order with different details and we didn�t even know what the other had said. But, the rest of the night, I still rolled my eyes and giggled and did all of my homework for the next two chapters while Tammy and I sat there and sung our songs.

It goes like this�here�s the original song: �Oh, sugar, (do do do do do do) aaah, honey, honey (do do do do do do), You are my CANDY GIRLLLLLL!!! And you got me wanting youuuuuu.� Okay. And the following is our version with the medical terminology book open:

�Oh, testis. Do do do do do do, aaah, hematoma�do do do do do do�You are my gastritis!!! And you got me wanting youuuuuu.�

Yep. And you know what the ghetto-licious girls did all during class tonight? They played computer games, talked loud, using lots of cuss words, made fun of each other�s weight, etc. We just kept to our selves as usual. And we made sure we didn�t look in their direction or laugh too much. You know, you aren�t allowed to have too much fun, cuz people might think you are having more fun than them. None of them did their homework except for the other two quiet pair of Oriental ladies who do all their homework and make 100%�s also. I�m not prejudiced, but I know the other girls are very black or Spanish and I know they are the ones who probably said something about us.

In other news�Tuesday�s pool party was a fucking blast. I went in with the kids. It always shocks the other parents. As if they are too old to swim with the children. Sorry, but it�s fucking hot in Florida. I want to make a proposal to have a daily swim time. Like, in Mexico and I�m sure they do it in Ecuador and other hot places near there�they take siestas at a certain time everyday. I propose cuz we are living in hot-ass Florida, that everywhere they build pools, like near offices and stuff, and everyday, at a certain time when the earth is too fucking hot in Florida, we all go for a swim in the pools. Why not? It makes perfect frigging sense to me. Tuesday was Chloe�s Kindergarten graduation party. It was at rich kid Devon�s house. Their house is huge. Their pool is heated. It was so fucking lovely. Devon�s mom and many of her close friends have fake boobs. Oh, my. I�m sure I look just as odd with my flat little saggy boobs. Kmmmm.

Then, I went to school Tuesday night. Then, yesterday was the teeth cleanings for Chloe and Jimmy. Chloe has perfect teeth, no cavities. A few soft areas on the molars but no decay. Magnificent. I�m so proud of her. But, Jimmy would not sit still for anything except the x-rays. So, we have no idea how his teeth are doing. Last night, my nephew, Evan, turned 13. We are so proud of Evan. He�s so hot and cool all at the same time. He skateboards and listens to loud rock music. And he requested pie instead of cake for his birthday. It was a brilliant idea. Seriously. I had so much fun there. He�s so cute. Cuz I always have to wait to get their presents, cuz I can never afford things at the right time�and I asked him if he wanted anything in particular. First he said �surprise me� and we talked about CDs. Then I mentioned the Hot Topic store and he said, �Oooo, yeah, they have this shirt in there�do you know the band, Nirvana?� LOL. DO I???? So, I�m going to get him a Nirvana shirt and a Nirvana CD for him in a couple weeks.

Then, today, on my �lunch break� which got extended two and a half hours, I took the girls to another pool party. It was at the public pool and this time, it was Stephanie�s End-of-Year party. I made it a point to go around to all of her little friends and get their phone numbers for the summer. Cuz I want her to keep in touch with her friends. I went in the pool for my lunch break, and that�s where I came up with the idea of the Florida Swimestas. I went on the diving board�and I did a frontal dive�and my whole fucking bathing suit came all the way downnnnnnnnn. Well, not all the way�but my bottoms were around my thighs and knees and my top stretched out to my hips. Thank God the deep end is 8 feet deep. I know the lifeguard got a good shot at me. Geez. I was cracking up. I told Steph and Chloe and their couple of friends that were hanging out near them. I was embarrassed but more humored by it than anything. Kmmmm. And that�s my week thus far.

Wait, I almost forgot. I�m taking sulfa antibiotics for my bladder infection. Now, I�ve had the worst farts. They are similar to the peak of nasty rotten egg farts I usually have after eating baked beans the night before. These farts are SOOO STRONG and soooo loud. It�s unnerving. They stink soooo eggy. I�m not eating baked beans everyday and I�m not eating or drinking anything out of the ordinary, I can only assume that it�s the medicine I�m taking. Cuz nothing else is different in my diet. Whhoooo, boy. Stinky. They smell like sulfur, hence the suspicion that my SULFER antibiotic is doing it. Bye for now.

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