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2004-03-28 - 12:01 a.m.

Well, eight years ago today, I gave birth (at 4:00 a.m.)

to a beautiful little girl. Stephanie is 8 now. Now, I

have old children. She did her share of reversion...which

is the lovely attitude they get around their birthdays where

they stress out and throw fits and act younger than the

age they are now not to mention, the age they are soon

going to become. I had a full day. We fought, we played

Red Riding Hood...while dropping off groceries at "Grandmother's

House" and we had dinner at Applebee's where they sang to her,

cuz that's what she wanted...awwwwww, so...then we went to

the schizophrenic grandma's "house" where we discovered she

is staying with several retarded people. No, I'm not

just being a bitch and saying, "damn, those people are

retarded!" They really were. Her brother is developmentally

disabled...which would be my daughters' great,

he has retarded friends, cuz he gets grouped with people

of that nature throughout his daily life. Anyway...trying

to get answers out of her is like pushing the wrong button

on an automated voice prompt system. NO, gottdamnit, I did

not ask if his ex-girlfriend was crazy, I asked for the

name of his fucking company!!! Yes, we were talking about

my ex, who is her son, who sucks total ass.

So, now I have a very big headache. I also had to help my

mom out today...she had done most of the stuff herself. My

big sister happened by with her 12 year old skateboarding

son...I am surprised at what she accepts nowadays. My daughters

were fighting like WWF wrestlers when they are doing the

interviews...and then their opponent busts in and they start

all the name-calling...yeah, like that. So, I'm all apologetic,

and my mother, the broken nerve woman, starts crying, and

my sister goes: "Mom, they are kids, they are going to

fight, don't cry about it." Then, I felt all guilty cuz

I showed up fairly late thinking my mom only needed groceries...

not all of her laundry done (how was I to know???) and she

told my sister she was hurting from doing everything herself,

like starting the laundry, and pulling the sheets off the

bed, and taking a shower...and my sister was like: "well,

that's good that you did that by yourself, you'll get better

soon." Whew. I was so off the hook for slacking.

So, Steph is staying the night at Grandma's. And Chloe wanted

to do the la-ti-da night that Steph had the previous week, but

I was all like: "Chloe, we can't go downtown and visit bar

doorways with your little brother here." She understood...

sort I drove by everything downtown instead and

pointed everything out to her and she was satisfied knowing

that one day I WOULD pawn Jimmy off to someone else and take

her down there by herself like big sister, Stephanie got to.

I like the voice of the guy on the true crime documentaries.

He's nice and somber...if the voice of the weird E! swingers

shows was the voice for the true crime just

wouldn't take the terms "blood spatter" and "rock solid alibi"

all that seriously. You know? Sighhhhhhhh.

My neck hurts along with my headache. Which brings me into

a hypochondriac state...I know two people with Multiple

Sclerosis...and they both never saw it coming but both had

weird pain and headaches and sciatica before they were diagnosed.

So, naturally, whenever, and I mean WHENEVER, I get headaches

like this or weird pains or just plain weird body problems...

I wonder, "when are they going to finally diagnose me with

M.S.?" Yep. It's true.

Speaking of E!...earlier, Chloe was watching Britney Spears

on a documentary...and then that show that I call the swingers

show came on...I never know the name cuz I never make it a point

to watch it. When I first see the bathing suits and boobs, etc.,

I get briefly turned on and then realize that I'm not a lesbian.

But, it came on right after the B. Spears thing...and I know

I asked Chloe if she was still awake like ten mins. before

it ended...and she was all like, yeah. So, I turned around

to see if it was over...and that is when the other show came

on to show the average public who are home on a Saturday

night, places in Belize where you can have sex under a

waterfall, and see mud wrestling in a bar where EVERYBODY

looks like a hot Playboy mansion resident...and I saw the

mud wrestlers...and the bikinis being ripped off, and I was

all like: "Chloe! What are you watching!!??" And then

I looked and she was passed out. Whew. I changed it...well,

not right away. But, I changed it. Okay. Bye for now.

My head is frigging killing me.

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