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2003-08-25 - 11:21 p.m.

Oh my God. Melo is a real dickhead. I've gone and neglected my diaryland diary and went to a far fetched place called melo. Don't ask. It's a big cystic growth. All I'm saying is...just when you think something is good and grand and perfect...they go and discontinue the item. (Edy's HomeMade Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream; Cran-Mango by Ocean Spray; many many other products that just went right out of my ear...)

Well, melo may be there somewhere for some chump with a $5000.00, computer. But me? I'm old school. My computer is celebrating its fourth birthday this month. Everyone point and wave at the cute little four-year-old, and help yourself to a cupcake. The only thing new about my computer is my monitor...I got it some time earlier in the year. That, and my mouse. And my mouse sucks now. I need some serious upgrading...which is why I can't ever get into my old melo journal even when I really badly want to try to. Oh, sure, I could blame it on THEIR server...but I know for a fact that someone, SOMEWHERE is always getting into melo. You just have to want it bad enough.

So, I guess I'm back? Er? Anywho...I have to do something about finding my old entries so that I can archive them. Or is there a statute of limitations on things such as that?'s an update on how I'm doing these days...

I really like eating at restaurants. Cuz you can be oblivious to crap that falls on the floor. Sure, I know you servers and hostesses and buspersonnel are all reading this saying, "Whats-a-whose-it??? That girl sucks so much ass. Doesn't she know someone has to clean that shit up?" Yeah, yeah, I tip well.

Another thing I like doing these working!!! It's so much fun!!! I get to type all day and click the mouse all day. And everyone that knows me knows that I REEEAAAALLLLLLLLY enjoy monotonous repetitive things most of the time. Oh, no, don't worry, my diaryland journal will not be monotonous and repetitive...okay, it might be sometimes. Anyway...I am glad (looking back now) that I waited, i.e., held out for my job that I finally got. I've been working at a law office for a month. It's a well-known law office in the state I live in. I am getting very smart in the field of law. But, then if I had wanted and gotten a job in a hospital, I would have become very smart in the hospital field also. I'm just a quick learner. Everyone pat me on the back and coddle me and say: "Awwww, you are such a quick learner!!!" Cuz I like that sort of treatment. Not from obnoxious people though. You have to really love me and appear to be non-threatening to treat me that way. Sighhhhhh. I'm tired now. Wow, it's not bad at all to be back here. I like it better than melo already.

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