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2001-04-07 - 1:20 p.m.

Whirling dervishes of pink. Significant only to the child who wears it. See a doll, get a doll. Why can't I have that? I want blopens...pleeeeeease (translation: I want to stain the rug to drive you even crazier that what you already are. And, you know that without a doubt, I'm going to just line them up on the table once I get bored enough after all the ink is used up and they will roll off the table and they will lie in wait for my little brother to crawl over and eat and choke.)

See Mommy...Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy...

"I'm looking right freakin' at you. Talk."

I want that doll. See, she's gots pink on. Oh, I want it. (translation: have you seen my other dolls that all came with pink dresses on? Have you any idea where the pink dresses have gone to? I use them to dress my stuffed Tigger now. It looks better on him anyway. And the Barbie shoes...I pretend they are chewing gum because you never let me have any anyway, so I have to pretend. So, now that my collection of Tiggerwear and fake chewing gum is running's about hookin' me up with some more of the goods? Huh? Whattya say? Ooohhhh. Scowl, scowl...You NEVER get me ANYTHING!)

My wish for the day is to raise really smart women. I don't want stupid daughters. I don't want a stupid son either, but at least men say things like, I shoulda listened to my mutha. I don't hear women saying that about their moms. I never said it about my mom. She did a lot though as far as saying, "Here, see what I'm doing? Can you tell it sucks? Don't make foolish mistakes." I did though. But, at least I learned from most of them.

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