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2001-03-28 - 3:13 p.m.

My boyfriend has this best friend. They refer to each other as "brothers". **roll eyes here** Whatever. I can see that my boyfriend is always helping out this guy (named Mike), but I never see how this Mike is ever helping out Jimbo. Therefore, I don't see why he would call this Mike his brother.

So, this guy has been staying on our couch for like ten days now. Mind you, rent is coming up soon, my car is breaking down, and my mother has to buy us food every now and then when the church can't help out. This would be a perfect reason to have someone stay on your couch while they helped out and gave you some money toward shit that they are already using to begin with. Such as, our water. Yes, we pay a bill, yes, Mike takes a shower EVERY NIGHT. Food--I feed that guy dinner every night, and so far his contributions have been: 2 half gallon containers of ice cream, a gallon of convenience store milk, a bottle of squeezeable Hershey's chocolate syrup, and a container of already sweetened Kool-Aid mix. I don't use any of those things to make dinner. I would also never give my children Kool-Aid to drink. It eats away at your bladder. I think he has also bought some soda here and there and has bought Jimbo some fast food lunches every now and then. Oh, yeah, and he also bought an ounce of pot. How these things contribute to our rent that is almost due and the groceries that keep disappearing is beyond me. I am not a stupid woman. For some reason though, I keep to myself and don't explain what's up to too many people who need to hear it. He uses our washer and dryer and laundry detergent.

His reason for staying right now is that Jimbo got him a job (true) so that he can get out of trouble that he is in as far as owing child support (don't know if it's true or not). Jimbo happens to owe $21,000 in child support for his daughter alone, and I don't see Mike helping him out with that. However, I do know that I have one pound of ground beef left. My daughter's birthday is this Saturday and we don't have any money ourselves for the cake or drinks or any other refreshments for my family or friends. It would be convenient if he shoved some money our way every now and then. Yes, he's gotten paid once so far. I heard him in two different conversations stating proudly how he made a whole 340 something odd dollars and wasn't that great that he can get his van running now. Meanwhile, my car is used daily to and from his job, I don't know if he ever offers to put gas in the tank, the brakes are grinding, and it could use a fucking oil change.

I complained openly last night to Jimbo in front of Mike in a very irked fashion about how I don't like not knowing how the rent will be paid or when. He just looked at Jimbo like I was going nuts or something.

On the social side of things, I used to date this loser years ago off and on and realized what a using loser he was and stopped seeing him almost nine years ago. Boy, am I glad. I wished I never had to see him again, but there he is, sleeping on the couch another night. He gets bored watching Jimbo work on stuff out in the garage so then starts chatting with me about really stupid shit and tells me domestic violence jokes. I told him he's not funny and he acted like I was a prude.

I hope he leaves soon. He's a pain in my ass. I can't read while he's in the room, cuz he constantly talks back to the TV, or at night while I could be reading, he is sleeping in the living room and needs the light off. It's just fucking annoying and time for him to go and live his OWN life.

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