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2004-08-18 - 12:54 p.m.

Well, now the schools aren�t going to open on Thursday (tomorrow). They�ve extended it to Monday as the opening day. All those poor teachers have to find their principal, who is essentially their boss, in order to pick up their paychecks. What rigmarole. My mom�s neighbor took it upon himself to come down the street and help her with her tree debris. It was so nice of him, cuz no one else offered. She still needs one topped off but that could come later. So, anyway. Not much else. My other sisters still have issues. Kim just got her electricity back like the other night. Lisa needs an electrician to consult with about all of her issues before she can even have power. Plus her roof still has issues, leaks and whatnot. I�m so glad I live in an apartment and don�t have to deal with my yard and house insurance issues and repairs and all kinds of things.

Jimbo is still in the throes of his addiction and I�m caring less. I was going to read these books about Betty Ford, but I leafed through them and read the first chapters and found them incredibly boring. They would have been interesting if they won�t so boring. Kmmm. But this one book I just finished reading was by Ed Storti and it was about Acting against the Addiction, actually I think that�s the title. It was really good and so I thought the Betty Ford ones would be good but no. So, I started this other book called Feminine Warrior by Al Marrewa. Yes, I know. How could a man write a book about feminine empowerment? He talks about that in the second paragraph in the prologue. He is a self-defense teacher and he became interested in female empowerment and stuff, so the book is really good so far and it makes sense. And the subject is one that my counselor is making me read.

I�m going to go now, cuz I have an appointment in a little while for two of my kids. Check-up time! Then I have to con my other daughter into getting blood work. We�ll see how that goes.

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