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2004-08-12 - 12:48 p.m.

Well, life is just a juggling act. My children�s bus ordeal is just a big pigfucking process. Why can�t the crikey depot get their stops and routes straight??? First, it was one bus number then it was a different number. Then the school said that other bus number was NOT the one they put the children on. Then the daycare affirms that it WAS the bus that the children got off of. THEN the school says they aren�t even supposed to be riding that godforsaken bus cuz it�s �ESE� which means for deaf people and the like (retarded, blind, handicapped, etc.). ESE is the type of bus that my son has to ride, but not my daughters. DOY. By the way, my son is not deaf but he has a speech problem that he�s getting lessons for, but to the average stranger, he would not be able to communicate with them, THEREFORE qualifying him to be ESE. And no, I forget what it stands for.

So, I talked to the school and realized that the bus program shares buses between elementary schools and so someone must have switched my kids to the ESE bus cuz it was going to the daycare. DON�T fucking switch my kids� bus. They have enough going on in their lives to have to remember TWO bus numbers and it�s just not necessary when the daycare can get off their asses and meet them at the bus stop BEHIND the daycare...oh, let me back up. The reason I�m paying so much attention to their bus departure and arrival times is cuz the daycare said there was no stop at the daycare for their bus number. Then they found a bus that does go to the daycare but they have to take a different bus to that bus. When I already made arrangements for someone to make a �stop request� and MAKE the right bus START going to the daycare on the 18th, but until that time they have to get a ride from the bus stop that�s a block away from the daycare over to the daycare. I�d rather someone do that then other people breaking laws in secret and letting my kids ride the special kids� bus and not telling me just cuz it�s easier for someone else. It�s not easier on my kids. Don�t be a dick!

I know that ordeal is really annoying to read so that is why you could have skipped those paragraphs. Sorry. I should have told you sooner.

On to bigger and better things, the caseworker got a hold of me today. Caseworker as in investigator cuz the guardian ad litem turned stupid on me and reported me for something that didn�t really happen. So, he said he could meet me on my lunch break today so I said great, let�s get it over with. He read me the report, which was false and stupid. He took pictures of my children�s sleeping quarters, my inside of my refrigerator and freezer and food cupboards. I told him I�m sorry but I don�t make beds. He said �I wouldn�t either.� I briefed him on my schedule of leaving the house about 7:30 a.m. and not getting off work till six p.m. and on top of that going to school two nights per week. He said he doesn�t know how I do it. The report also said that my place is �unkempt� and �food and everything is everywhere and all over everything.� Yeah, like the kids and I have food fights. He said he sees the clutter on the floor (toys, sandals, ripped paper) and says that he understands that�s there cuz I have kids. THANK YOU. He said my girls �are cracker jacks.� Which means they must have really put on a show for him, as per their usual. He took a picture of me also and then he left. Haha, fucking guardian ad litem biotch! You thought you had one over on me.

I would like to know why people challenge me like that. My ex has challenged me like that. He reported something that totally backfired on him years ago. He had the nerve to say that he thought our daughters were being molested, yadda yadda. It was false of course. First of all, the day he was talking about was a month before. Second of all, HE had been the inappropriate one that day. Thirdly, he reported the incident a month later like I said, which happened to be the very DAY/DATE that we had gone to court for our divorce and I had stuck him without overnight visitation, and with his abusive history, that just showed his predictable personality as being vindictive and trying to get back at me for him not getting his way. Abusers do shit like that all the time and thank god, the authorities and caseworkers know this.

So, my boyfriend�s mother called my answering machine asking stuff about when Jimbo was going into rehab and how she needed to know a week ahead of time cuz she needed to put the apartment in the paper for rent. So, I�m thinking...for rent? He�s only going to be gone two to four weeks? For rent? So, I call her back and naturally, being the busy woman she is, she can�t talk. So, I call him. He can�t talk cuz his boss doesn�t like him constantly using the phone on company time which is understandable, plus he doesn�t want to say the words rehab and leaving for however long in front of his new boss cuz I guess it�s his usual cowardice mode and he can�t admit things or give notices of leave of absences, etc. So, I ask him why he�d put an apartment up for rent to someone else and what about his roommates already, and who is going to rent a place for one month only? He says: �You think I�m going to be away for one month and then walk away a free man?� Well, gee conniving boy, what do you mean by �free man?� Yep, he�s going into rehab and then of course he failed his last drug test which violated his probation. So, I said, oh, gee, WHEN were you going to tell me this? When were you going to notify me that our lives were getting put on hold for HOW LONG NOW? How long are our lives going to be put on hold this time? I don�t really mean mine anymore. Cuz I have my job and school and I�ve kept my apartment with and without him for over two years now...but I mean my son�s life too. So, he thinks it will be a month in the voluntary rehab and then a month in jail. So, I asked him, what makes you think that they won�t just come to the rehab and arrest you in the middle of it? He said it takes a month for his name to get into the system. That part is true and that�s speaking from experience with him violating before. I knew something was going to happen where I just wouldn�t move down to Naples. I knew it. I�m so glad I haven�t just moved. That wasn�t in my plan. I thought if I do move I�d try to get a house or something, but not now. I don�t want to move to Naples anyway. I thought I did, but it would be an unsure thing. I don�t like uncertainty. In fact, I hate it.

Well, that was from Aug 10th. The following is from today, Aug. 12th. We have hurricanes coming toward Florida. Well, there�s a tropical depression about to hit the panhandle. Or is it a tropical storm? Whatever the WORSE one is, that�s what it is. Then, Hurrican Charley is coming straight for this whole area, mainly aimed for Naples through Port Charlotte. Us, Fort Myers, is in the middle of that whole mess. Naples is being evacuated. Bonita Beach, Fort Myers Beach, Sanibel, and Captiva of course are being evacuated. So is Pine Island and Matlacha. Any barrier island, they�re all being evacuated. The stores are emptying out of supplies quickly. My caseworker called me and asked me if I was evacuating and I said, I guess I would have to if I lost my electricity, right? That�s my main concern. The electricity. I have more refrigerated and frozen food than canned foods and stuff. She asked me if I had flashlights and battery operated radios and batteries and candles and water and stuff, I of course said, no, not really to most of it. I wanted to say, �well, can you bring me that stuff?� I should call her back and ask her.

Anyway, Jimbo said he�s working tomorrow which is a crock of shit. Since his whole neighborhood (North Naples Park) was evacuated this morning cuz they are nearby a beach. I said, how do you, a carpenter, think you are going to be able to work when I, an office worker, will probably not have any work...???? My school is closed tonight as well as the daycare that I take my kids too at night whilst I�m in school. So, that means the schools will be closed tomorrow. As well as the daycares and most area offices and stores. Probably everything will close. Everything closes for the hurricanes that brush by close to us, so if one is actually AIMING for us, then things will definitely close. Where will all the bums go? Poor guys. My caseworker also mentioned that my evacuation area is the nearby elementary school. Well, if I can handle it, I�d rather just stay home thank you very much. I�m on the second floor after all, but like I said, when the tornadoes join in the destruction fiesta, then they make trees fly through windows and roofs and such and rip down power lines and I like having my electricity and phone. So, I guess I have to figure out where there is bottled water still being sold. Even if I went to a hurricane evacuation shelter, they make you bring your own food and crap. We should be okay, right?

My mother is staying home as usual. She�s calloused to bad Florida weather. I am too, to a point. I mean, after you see these hurricane warnings every year and stuff and then your guardian angels protect you and nothing ever happens EVER to the tune of 27 years, then why get in an uproar over some silly weather conditions, right? I just don�t want my car to get flipped upside down or my electricity to go off. Where am I going to buy water though???

The schools will most likely be closed tomorrow, which will make most of my kids happy. It�s so ironic. Cuz it�s so deceivingly sunny and summery outside right now. Poor Jamaica. I wonder how they�re doing. I�m concerned for Bob and Rita Marley�s house and the museum in Kingston and all. I hope Rita is okay. But she�s probably down in Africa building some type of nation or something.

I should call my caseworker back and see what the deal is with supplies. I should get some candles. But I don�t have any. We are getting out paychecks tonight instead of tomorrow and we got this strange, disturbing email from the HR guy. He mentioned how we would know maybe by the end of the day about the office being closed tomorrow and I have a direct quote: �Furthermore, we need everyone's help and cooperation later this afternoon to prepare the building for the impending weather conditions before we leave for the day. We will give further instructions later this afternoon.� Ha! Are you going to come over and stock up my apartment with candles and canned goods? What�s in it for me? I�m not boarding up the office windows. I think I�ll be having pain around that time in the afternoon. Ahem. Well, I�m not editing this, cuz I�m just getting lazier and lazier. I have to go on my lunch break to find some gallon water jugs. Even five gallon water jugs, which I�m sure are sold out by now. I can�t afford anything else though. The water is going on my food stamps. Doo de do de doo. Bye for now. Wish me luck.

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