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2004-05-22 - 8:58 p.m.

I have problem if people have a problem with me and won't tell me cuz they're too spineless. There are a lot of people that I run into from time to time who I have caught making faces behind my back. I mean, some are my children, but there are also grown adults who have done that. Or they cut their conversations short. Or they limit contact with me. I just find it annoying. If you have a problem with someone, you should let them know.

I'm weak and tired lately. I have a lot of stress. I'll probably go see about counseling some time next week. Since I'm going to be a psychologist within the next five years, I want to have a normal or at least not-that-abnormal head on my shoulders. I keep saying I'm going to see about counseling, but I just haven't found or made time yet. I know I have some depression and increased stress anxiety, but you know. Most of the world does with gas being over two bucks a gallon and health insurance benefits being almost nil at most jobs.

The guy that was going to talk to my boss about me going full time was going to do it Friday. When I read his email stating that fact...I thought..."gee, she's not going to be in the office that day." Which surely she was not and his email then said later on that he would do it Monday. Why the fuck isn't this possible. Why do people have to play such fucking games.

Oh, about Viagra. I think when you drink with it, the alcohol cancels it out and it's just like regular sex. I don't really see any specialty exceptional sex except he thought he felt really good inside of me. But, he ALWAYS feels really good inside of me. So, what's the point? The point is that it is for 60 year olds who want to fuck like 30 year olds. When you're already's just your normal sexuality. Viagra doesn't work on 30 year olds. I know it was a useless idea going in.

It's so hot and clammy down here in Florida...especially without a/c in your car...that you literally need to re-shower after driving in those conditions after only about one mile. It's soooooooooo terrible. But I would never want to put up with snow. Cold hurts me.

Okay...I'm going to bed early. I'm sooooooo exhausted. Life just wears me out. Oh, I am taking an antibiotic for my bladder infection...or did I mention that the other day? And...I can't remember anything else I was going to say. I'm not editing this.

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